The First Biennial John Dos Passos Society Conference

On October 10-11, the John Dos Passos Society met for a riveting series of inquiries into the Dos Passos legacy of literature and art. The topics were varied and fascinating. They included:

  • Dean Bartholomew (Independent Scholar) on the fractured friendship between Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos.

  • Rosa Maria Bautisa Cordero (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio) on the reputation of Manhattan Transfer in Spain.

  • William Brevda (Central Michigan University) on the symbolism of the straw hat in Manhattan Transfer. This was the funnest JDP presentation I’ve ever heard!

  • Victoria Bryan (Cleveland State Community College) on teaching Dos Passos–especially “They Are Dead Now”–to prison populations.

  • Kieko Misugi (Kobe College) on the characterization of Theodore Roosevelt in 1919. Misugi deserves special mention for traveling 27 hours from Japan for this conference!

  • Fredrik Tydal (University of Virginia) on the original title of the U.S.A. trilogy: Course of Empire. What a fascinating looking into the creative process of titling the trilogy. Course of Empire would have led the work down a completely different commercial and critical path, I’m sure.

  • Jason Cannon (Texas Christian University) on Adventures of a Young Man, an important but neglected work in Dos Passos critical studies.

  • Alexander Buk-Swenty and Philip Gyde Poulsen (University of Southern Denmark) on the paintings of JDP and his early novels. There are many great passages from Manhattan Transfer where the author plays the role of colorist. It was lovely to be reminded of them. These gentlemen scholars have a bright future ahead of them.

  • Gabriela Siqueira Bitencourt (University of São Paulo) on the form of Brazil on the Move. It was wonderful to finally see this work receive scholarly attention.

The Conference hosted scholars from a remarkable diversity of nations: Brazil, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Japan, and France.  American scholars came from the heartland and both coasts.

The John Dos Passos Society also held a business meeting and officer elections. A hearty congratulations to the new Executive Board of the John Dos Passos Society, led by President Victoria Bryan!

The future is bright and full of intellectual discovery. Adelante, Dos Passos!

Lisa Nanney, former VP of the John Dos Passos Society, plays a key role in its continued success. She is one of the top JDP scholars working today.

Alexander Buk-Swienty and Philip Poulsen from University of Southern Denmark.

Fredrik Tydal, a scholar at University of Virginia, is currently Vice President of the John Dos Passos Society.

Chattanooga, TN.

Victoria Bryan, President of the John Dos Passos Society.

Aaron Shaheen from University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. He is co-founder of the JDPS.

Wesley Beal from Lyon College. He is the former president of the JDPS.


Miguel Oliveira on Dos Passos and WWI


Four Generations of Dos Passos Writers